Google happens to be one of the most successful search engines out there, and that's for a reason - it gives high quality results for whatever you search. Google is committed to providing excellent quality to their users and that is what they expect from the sites ranked on page one. Many have succeeded and will continue to do so, which simply proves that getting to the top isn't rocket science. Strategy is not as important to reaching the top of the SERPs as persistence is, and that's a fact that you need to remember. In other words, no matter how well you plan out your strategy, it won't work unless you're persistent in your efforts. This article will offer you some advice on how to rise in the SERPs.

You should try to get as many links as possible from .edu sites because Google considers them to be very powerful. A little research will reveal that it can be easy to get these types of backlinks. The reason why such backlinks are given so much importance is because they come from trusted sources, and have an educational background.

Google will naturally rank a site better that is linked to by an academic site since the site must have some form of value. So put your effort into getting a few .edu backlinks here and there to make a good impression on the search engine. When you are trying to impress Google, having relevant incoming links from other sites with a good page rank will certainly help. Every link that you gain for your website either works in your favor or against, in terms of ranking. So, if you want to be considered as a potential first page site by Google, then it goes without saying that you need to get as many one-way, incoming links from powerful sites in your niche. A site with a page rank of 2 will always provide a more powerful link than one with a page rank of zero. The quality of your backlinks matters much more than quantity when you're dealing with Google - that's how you get top rankings.

Separating the keywords in your URL with hyphens is a good approach. It's a good way of showing Google what keyword the page should rank for, which will increase your chances of getting to the top. Simple things are quite important if you want to impress Google and land on the first page. If you have limited SEO experience, you shouldn't expect results immediately, but with a little persistence and some education, you will get there eventually.

Learn How You Too Can Get on the Front Page of Google


You might have a facebook account, and it is likely that you check your facebook account once everyday if not more than that, or you might even be the founder of various facebook groups. but there are a lot of things that you might not know about this biggest social network of our time founded by Mark Zuckerberg.
So go through this article to see them.

Facebook was initially bank-rolled by Peter Thiel, the co founder of PAYPAL. His $500,000 investment also helped to launch facebook

facebook was almost shut down in the beginning after a lawsuit by ConnectU, claiming that mark stole the idea for facebook and as well the technology used in creating it. The issue was settled out of court of an undisclosed amount.
Today facebook has grown both financially and otherwise to become one of the most influential web based companies of our time. More than 400 million people log into their facebook account at least once every month. More than 60% are on the site everyday.

Facebook ranks second in traffic in the whole world after google which is on the first position

In 2006, Yahoo offered to buy facebook from Zuckerberg for $1 billion
which he refused.
In 2009, Facebook was valued at $4 billion.
Today, it is valued at $7 billion to $11 billion

Monthly amount of time spent on facebook ranges between 8.2 to 8.3 billion hours.
Average number of facebook friends is 130.
The total number of servers running facebook’s infrastructure is more than 10,000.
Facebook makes most, if not all of its money through contextual advertising which is also applicable to other web based companies like Google and Yahoo.

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Debates are growing over the increasing use of remotely piloted and armed drones, with a new study by the British Defense Ministry questioning whether advances in their capabilities will lead future decision-makers to “resort to war as a policy option far sooner than previously.”

Active and retired US Air Force officers involved in developing drones stress that the aircraft brings in more decision-makers, better targeting data and more accurate delivery systems than fighter jets.

But use of the unmanned aerial vehicles has drawn growing public scrutiny based on their lethal attacks in Pakistan against Al Qaeda, in Afghanistan against the Taliban, in Yemen against Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, and most recently in Libya, as announced last week by US Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates.

The British study noted that drones were becoming increasingly automated. With minor technical advances, it said, a drone could soon be able to “fire a weapon based solely on its own sensors, or shared information, and without recourse to higher, human authority.” It cautioned that the Defense Ministry “currently has no intention to develop” such systems.

Nonetheless, the aircraft, piloted by people far from the battlefield, represents an approaching technological tipping point “that may well deliver a genuine revolution in military affairs,” according to the Joint Doctrine Note, which was conducted under the direction of the British Chiefs of Staff. Titled “The United Kingdom Approach to Unmanned Aircraft Systems,” it was first disclosed last week by the Guardian newspaper.

The British study said it was essential that military officials not “risk losing our controlling humanity and make war more likely” by using armed drones. It also asserted, however, that the laws of war call on commanders on both sides of the fight to limit loss of life and that “use of unmanned aircraft prevents the potential loss of aircrew lives and is thus in itself morally justified.”

At a Washington conference of the International Institute for Strategic Studies last week, the issue of drones was also discussed.

Lt. Col. Bruce Black, program manager for the Air Force Predator and Reaper aircraft, noted that some 180 people are involved in each drone mission. The result, he said, is that “there is more ethical oversight involved with unmanned air vehicles than with manned aircraft.”

At the same conference, former CIA director Michael V. Hayden described how, with a Predator circling overhead, those involved in ordering use of its missiles from thousands of kilometers away can call up computer maps that show the potential effects of each weapon.

Before any of the Hellfire missiles are launched, he said, the backup team asks for a readout of the impact the missile would have on its ground target. Nothing similar can be done with ground-supporting manned aircraft, he said.

But the drones have become part of the propaganda war where they are used. Without referencing the Taliban or Al Qaeda, the British paper noted that insurgents had cast themselves as the underdog against a bully that was “unwilling to risk his own troops, but is happy to kill remotely.”

Black said that when a Predator operator was connected to a fighter on the ground in Afghanistan, “you can hear his voice.”

Col. Dean Bushey, deputy director of the Air Force Joint Unmanned Aircraft Systems Center, said that the crews that ran Predators went through the exact routines that airplane pilots do prior to a mission.

Will military drones terminate man's role in war

Spending on flirting and dating services on mobiles phones showed signs of hotting up, official figures show.
The amount spent rose by 36% in 2010 compared with the previous year to £34.7m, premium rate regulator Phonepayplus said.
Mobile and online flirting services reported a boom in sales of "virtual gifts" - such as a virtual kiss sent to somebody's mobile.
Men are more likely to phone flirt, the report said.
Some 63% of users were men, with 18 to 34-year-olds the most likely to use the premium rate flirting services.
"As a regulator, we welcome innovation in the market and very much want consumers to enjoy fun new services with the reassurance that there is a regulator working with industry to prevent consumer harm," said Paul Whiteing, chief executive Phonepayplus.

Mobile phone flirting is growing

When Facebook began, a million users was a big deal. Then it hit 100 million, then 500 million. Now, one billion doesn't seem so far off now that unofficial stats on Facebook point to the sprawling social network reaching 700 million active monthly users in as little as a month from now, maybe two.

Inside Facebook, an independent news and analysis site focused on Facebook, has revealed that "Facebook grew by 21.5 million new users in March to reach 661.5 million monthly active users worldwide," which puts it on track for an expectation of lucky 700 million by this summer.

In the U.S., Facebook's steady growth added 2.78 million users in March, for a total of about 155 million active monthly users. This aligns pretty much with comScore, which recorded about 153 million monthly actives, and an increase of about 15 million worldwide every month.

Inside Facebook acknowledges its numbers aren't in sync with other third-party stats trackers, such as "Google’s DoubleClick Ad Planner service shows Facebook with an extremely high 860 million monthly active users, fully 270 million above what we previously recorded. We’re not sure what accounted for the difference." On the other end of the spectrum, Inside Facebook's numbers diverge from Quantcast's lower showing of 136 million monthly Facebook users.

From Facebook itself, its publicly released stats remain at "more than 500 million," (from July) although it's been widely reported it crossed 600 million late last year by several outlets, including All Facebook and Business Insider

Facebook a month away from 700 million users?

The studies used large arrays of electrodes but the job could be done with far smaller implants
A cursor on a computer screen can be controlled using thoughts about a range of vowel sounds, research has found.

The approach uses sensors placed directly on the surface of the brain.

The authors of the Journal of Neuroengineering paper also said that this technique will lead to better "brain-computer interfaces" for the disabled.

A great many studies and demonstrations have in recent years made use of the electroencephalograph, or EEG, typically worn as a "cap" studded with electrodes that pick up the electric fields produced by firing neurons.

The technique has been shown to guide electric wheelchairs or even toys, based only on the wearer's intention.

Sound idea

However, EEGs lose a great deal of the precious information that is available closer to the brain itself, what lead author of the study Eric Leuthardt, of Washington University in St Louis, in the US, calls the "gold standard" brain signal.

"One of the key features in signal resolution is seeing the higher frequencies of brain activity - those higher frequencies have a substantial capability of giving us better insights into cognitive intentions, and part of the reason EEG suffers for this is it acts as a filter of all of these high frequency signals."

That is, the EEG picks up signals outside the skull, which acts to absorb and muddle the signals.

Electrocorticography, by contrast, is so named because it taps directly into the brain's cortex - the outermost layer of the brain.

In a surgical procedure, a plastic pad containing a number of electrodes is implanted under the skull.

Its power has already been shown off in allowing video game play by thought alone - but in the new study, the researchers have tapped into the speech network of the brain.

Prior studies have made use of the motor control signals in the brain: the thought or will to move in a particular direction.

But Dr Leuthardt said that the units of speech known as phonemes allow signals of a particular "discrete" nature, rather than signals that range in intensity, as with thoughts of motion.

"(It's) for the same reason that you don't type a paper with a mouse - you have a keyboard with a number of discrete commands," he explained.

"We would want to facilitate somebody's abilty to communicate by having different phonemes - or essentially key presses - that could allow them to have discrete type of control."

Four patients who were already undergoing the electrocorticograph implantation - to establish the source of incurable epileptic seizures - participated in the latest study.

They were asked to think of four different phonemes - "oo", "ah", "ee" and "eh" - and their brain signals were recorded. Those higher-frequency signals were shown to reliably move a cursor on a computer screen.

"Do we need that gold standard to get this simple level of control? I think the likely answer is yes," Dr Leuthardt explained.

"For a brain-computer interface, especially for someone who is severly impaired, they need something that is absolutely, completely reliable. If you think of EEG (systems), they move, they're susceptible to noise, and the likelihood for reliablity is much lower."

Just a few discrete but reliable signals - tantamount to being able to move a cursor in two dimensions and effect a "click" - could lead to a vast number of applications, he continued.

"What is one of the most prolific '2D-plus-click' devices we have today? It's an Iphone. Once you have 2D plus click... there's innumerable different types of functionality you can create on an application base - but what you first need is the control."

The study also showed that the large-area arrays utilised for the epilepsy research would not be necessary for future electrocorticography implants; an area just 4mm by 4mm can provide the same level of information.

Brain waves from thoughts of sounds used to move cursor


Google is introducing a new feature in Google search results today: +1. But what is it? A new social network? A social thingy? A social search engine? Is it even social?

It's a simple way to Like Google search results...

When you're signed into your G

account, every Google search result will now have a +1 icon next to it (right now you have to activate in Google Experimental). If you find the search result useful or just enjoy the linked site, you hit the +1 icon. Google says by +1-ing a result you're giving it a recommendation, a stamp of approval. More +1's on a result means the site is more interesting.

...and is definitely social...

You can see what your friends +1'd which ideally lends more credence to a particular search result. Since Google displays so many sites, these little +1's will help you sift out the crappy ones (. Imagine if your best friend found a link interesting and +1'd it. When you stumble upon that in the future, you're probably going to click it.
...but isn't a social network...

When the Google +1 project first started (as Google Me), it was billed to be Google's Facebook killer. Clearly, it's not. The +1 system works more like Likes in Facebook or Diggs in Digg, meaning to say it's a bare bones simple way to show that you like something. That's good! Google became the king of search because it was simple. +1 is simple.

...that will help Google target ads better...

You can also +1 ad's, which combined with the data of your usual +1s of search results, will let Google learn more about you and better target their ads. It's sort of like data research masked as a feature, like when Google offered free Google 411s to improve their voice recognition software, Google +1 improves their ad delivery system.

...and will eventually grow bigger...

Google isn't done with +1 yet. They've learned from previous mistakes in Google Buzz and Google Wave where they dug a grave for those products by over hyping them. This time, by starting small with a simple +1 icon only available on Google search results, they can quietly go about their business and slowly add to it (like +1-ing directly from a website, from Chrome, from apps etc.).

...but won't change the way you use Google. Yet.

Google +1 is another sign that Google wants to evolve into a more social search engine. All those +1's they keep track of will not only help Google make their searches better, but also make them more relevant to your social circle. As the Internet gets clotted in cobwebs, having friends personally +1 the best sites keeps Google from falling too far behind Facebook and Twitter in social sharing. [Google +1]

what is google +1


The first new images of Mercury have been sent back to Earth after a six-and-a-half year voyage by a Nasa spacecraft.

Professor James Head said the team studying the images will be making discoveries every day of the scheduled year-long mission.
"On Earth, we don't understand how plate tectonics started several billion years ago. Mercury may hold the answer," he said.
Professor Head said data would be studied to find out whether water ice exists in craters of Mercury that never see the Sun.
If it did exist, said Professor Head, it might provide a history of water in the solar system.
The Messenger probe covered a total of 4.9 billion miles (7.9 billion km) on its journey to Mercury although the planet, the closest to the Sun, is 62 million miles (100 million km) from Earth at its closest.
It has flown by Earth once, Venus twice and Mercury three times before becoming the first spacecraft to be placed in Mercury orbit.
The 485kg robotic probe is to begin continuous mapping of Mercury on April 4 during highly elliptical orbits that will take it as close as 124 miles (200km) from the planet's surface.
An earlier Nasa spacecraft, Mariner 10, mapped about 45% of Mercury after making three passes near the planet in 1974 and 1975.
Although it is relatively close to Earth, Mercury has been little explored because of the difficulties posed by the enormous gravitational pull of the Sun and massively high levels of radiation.
Mercury itself is subject to extremely high and low temperatures.
Daytime temperatures of 427C plummet at night to -150C.
Mercury is the smallest of the eight planets in our solar system and orbits the Sun every 87.969 Earth days.

Mercury Photos Could Unlock Planet's Secrets

Cameras installed high in a tree in the US state of Iowa have made an internet sensation of a family of bald eagles, whose nest is streamed online live day and night.
"Why viral, I'm not really sure," Bob Anderson, director of the Raptor Resource Project, said of the success of the eagle webcam.
"The world just likes to hear something good instead of negative," he said. "This is all positive, this makes people feel good."
Anderson had been transmitting live images of the nest, 80 feet high in Docorah, Iowa, mainly for schools and universities.
But this year, using a new site, UStream, the eagles are challenging the likes of troubled actor Charlie Sheen for internet popularity. There have been 11 million online views, according to the project's website.
Some 150,000 viewers at a time check out the live action, captured by two cameras installed on branches five feet above the nest.
The male and female eagles have been together since the winter of 2007-08, the project's website explained. They have successfully hatched and fledged eaglets each year since.

Interest spiked in late February when the mother laid three eggs, two of which have hatched. The third is expected to hatch any day now.
Most days viewers can see the wind pushing about the feathers of the eagles, as well as spot the remains of a muskrat, rabbit, crow and trout lying in the nest.
"Our dream always has been to provide an insight to wildlife, as a science tool for school," Anderson said. "It's a wonderful education tool, people are learning the good and the bad of nature."
"Now," he continued, "kids are learning that animals do eat other animals and that is the way of life. They are gaining a great insight to Mother Nature."

US eagle webcam becomes internet sensation

US President Barack Obama launched his reelection campaign with a social media barrage Monday, turning once again to the online tools that helped propel him to the White House three years ago.
Obama, 49, announced his 2012 candidacy with a message on Twitter, a status update on his Facebook page and an email blast to his millions of supporters, all of which provided a link to his campaign website.
"Today, we're filing papers to launch our 2012 campaign," the Democrat told the 7.28 million followers of the @barackobama account on Twitter.
The Twitter message, Barack Obama page on Facebook and email all urged voters to "Say that you're in" and provided a link to where they could provide an email address and a zip code.
The website invites supporters to make a donation to the campaign, volunteer and offers a new range of branded merchandise, including 2012 badges, bumper stickers, water bottles and T-shirts.
The new campaign logo featured on the items includes the celebrated image of a rising sun used in 2008, but this time nestled in the "0" of 2012.

An "Are You In?" application on Facebook lets members of the social network write a message of support for Obama's candidacy and invite friends and family to do the same.
"I am so IN!," wrote Facebook user and Obama backer Debra Wilhoite.
"Of course I am in just like I was in 2008!" said another, Elizabeth Boergert.
Obama also released a two-minute YouTube video that did not feature the candidate himself speaking but a diverse range of supporters explaining why he should be given another four years in the White House in the November 2012 elections.
Obama relied heavily on the Internet during his 2008 presidential campaign for organizing, fundraising and communicating and Monday's launch made it clear he plans on doing so again, building a grassroots campaign online.

Obama turns to social media again for 2012 bid

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